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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Eballot #57 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Higher Education Ministry

Eballot #57 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Higher Education Ministry


Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed to unitedcoalition at international-parliament org, mark your choices in blank "___" space, and send the email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org.

Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only. Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2 beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice, and so on. Consecutive numbers beginning with the #1 only. You may rank as many choices as you please.

Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.

<----Begin eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->

Please complete all requests (*=required fields):
*Your Name ______________________________ (write in)
Political Party ______________________________ (write in)
Your country ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
*Ministry to Which Your Vote Applies ______________________________ (write in)
* * *

Eballot #57 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Higher Education Ministry

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ Valeriana Mariani [Women & Leadership]

___ DR.Hc. M.S.P.A. Iansyahrechza. FW.Ph.D (Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman) [Independent]

___ H.E Gislene Pascutti [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Mike Baroni [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Liz Haemmel [Peace & Freedom]

___ A. Iwan Gazali AG.SH.MH. [Minister of Human Rights and Legal]

___ Heli Tattari [Universal]

___ Comendador Jose Luiz da Luz [Royal Society Group]

___ Barbara Schroeppel [Respublica of Earth]

___ Rob Roberts [Libertarian]

___ Pamela Allende Alba [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Prince Theodor - Eduard Stroe [Ambassador Humanitarian]

___ Her Highness Rita Marleen Bartsoen Duchess of Croix de St Michel [Non]

___ His Highness Wouter Norbert Labeeuw eriditaire Duc of Croix de St Michel [Non]

___ Ratu Muda Karen Cantrell, DHL [Libertarian]

___ Tim Mwadime [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Luis Fernando Padilla Reyes [Independent]

___ Tersilio BeneDetti [Parliamento Mondiale]

___ Jessyanalf [Jessyanalf]

___ Miss Joy Waymire [Anarchist]

___ Sushil Kumar [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Dr. Kavita Surbhi [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Munyaradzi Mare [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Charles Bruce Stewart [Common Law Libertarian]

___ Jatwinder Grewal [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Jehad Shalat [Media]

___ Seem Nazar [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Zigmund Ziegler Cohen [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Nikhil Chakma [Jumma indigenous people, Chittagong Hill Tracts]

___ Haji Ajmal Shamali [Independent]

___ Daniel Green [Free Energy]

___ Fernando Castro Boschini [Republican]

___ Siddharth Gautam Lumbini [Republic]

___ Michael Lucas Monterey [One Party]

___ Joseph Kopsick [Mutualism and Cooperation]

___ Adel Mohammed Hamed [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Jose Luis Trillo Checa [Naturopatia-Nutrician Humana]

___ Rt Rv Marcelo Gutierrez [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Bernard Bedjako-Nayo [Social Democrat]

___ Shiba Prosad Bhattacharyya [Fellow CIA]

___ Ferraro Elio [Freelance Communication]

___ Dr. Richard Gorrara [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Arie Danu Saputra [Minister of Foreign Affairs]

___ Md Lutfi Bin Yusof [Ambassador Royal Kutai Mulawarman]

___ Ngai Wan Helen [Humanitarian Organization]

___ Wong Ka Hing Andrew [Humanitarian Organization]

___ Raju Salahuddin Khan [Ambassador Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman]

___ Lord Prof Dato Seri Dr. Barani Karunakaran [Independent]

___ Mehdi Javadi Ranjbar [Eastern Fight]

___ Ghulam Idress Bangesh [Democrat]
* * *

<----End of eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->

Navigation for Higher Education Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #57
Marked Eballots #57
Eballot Totals #57
Nominees for Eballot #57

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Eballot # Totals

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #50
Marked Eballots #50
Eballot #50 Totals

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Eballot # Totals
Nominees for Eballot #

Blank Eballot #72
Marked Eballots #72
Eballot #72 Totals
Nominees for Eballot #72

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