The United Coalition and Unity Platform
The United Coalition
Unity Platform
About the International Parliament
An international parliament is a branch of an intergovernmental organization tasked with legislative powers
and thus establishing a hybrid system of not only intergovernmental-ism, but also supra-nationalism. It could
be based on a predecessor inter-parliamentary institution or a newly established organization-level legislature.
Such branches of intergovernmental organizations are typically established in order to provide for
representation of citizens, rather than governments who are represented in other bodies within the organization.
The assembly can be composed of members of the national legislatures (whose members are directly
elected in most cases) or of its own directly elected members, further strengthening the supra
nationalism of the organization.
The International Parliament advocates in ranges from micorscopic levels to the highest levels of volunteerism:
- Advanced parliamentary procedures under pure proportional representation (PPR).
- Propose laws to be submitted to the Parliaments of the Member States;
- Supervise activities of NGOs, of States, associations of States and other subjects of international law;
- Speak on the application of universal human rights;
- Facilitate the cooperation and communication between Member States;
- Promotes peace in the world;
- Commitment against nuclear weapons in general and on mass destruction weapons in the world;
- Promotion of Education and Training;
- Commitment against the death penalty;
- It's engaged in supporting National Organizations in the States;
- Promotes and collaborates with groups of volunteers for humanitarian interventions;
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Notes About The United Coalition History
By James Ogle [One]
The US Parliament (Est. August 5th, 1995) founded the All Party System Co. on October 19th 2012, as a corporate entity
and news organization to whose purpose was to maintain and broadcast the information about the vote counting and the
unity psychology generated under pure proportional representation: the Hagnebach-Bishoff method for the
Sainte-Lague Parliament seat distribution system, ranked choice voting (RCV) in multi-winner districts of two or more.
An international parliament was established on 2014-8-3 - Fifty Members of International Parliament
On April 9th, 2018, the US Parliament approves transfer of ownership of the All Party System System Co. to the
Ten Executives of the International Parliament. The transfer had also already been approved by the All Party System System Co.
Board of Directors (BoDs) on July 8th, 2018 annual board meeting.
When I first saw Tim Grady [Environmentalist] and Clint Eastwood [Republican]
debate, it was in 1986 when they were two of the four candidates, vying for
mayor of Carmel, California, USA.
Tim outperformed Clint yet the news media reporting was biased.
Clint's campaign manager was Sue Hutchinson, who had just worked on the victorious
Ronald Reagan campaign for President in 1984. She organized "tea parties" around
Carmel town which I attended. I met Clint there and the tea parties became part of my
internet campaign starting in 1992 while promoting alternative politics in Usenet.
The United Coalition team first vied for an election as team players in the Santa Cruz,
California city council election of 1992. The "ad hoc" united coalition consisted of
four candidates; James Ogle [Environmentalist], Kevin Clark [Green], Abdul
Hassan [Peace and Freedom] and Linda Lemaster [Democratic].
Kevin Clark [Green] and James Ogle [Environmentalist] both teamed up again and vied
for Chief of Staff Leon Panetta's [Democratic] vacated Congressional seat in 1993,
(CA CD 17) and Kevin Clark was the first Green Party candidate to access the
ballot in California partisan politics because of the special odd-year election.
James Ogle's party name (Environmentalist) was categorized on the ballot as an "independent"
because the State doesn't want you to know about the Environmentalist Party.
The California Green Party bosses didn't want anyone to know about the United Coalition
and so they promoted "none of the above" (NOTA) in 1994 against the United Coalition
while James Ogle was running for Governor of California. NOTA won the primary with
a plurality of about 46% while three candidates split the majority of 54%.
But James Ogle and the United Coalition were correct. They brought a message of
pure proportional representation (PPR) to every voter's pamphlet with James Ogle (Green)
campaign for CA Governor. James Ogle had switched from the Environmentalist Party
to the Green Party. The online political campaign in 1994 (before Windows '95) also
unified computer scientists around the world. The tone in Usenet become more
civil because of the Usenet campaigns which took place in the world wide web,
using a computer language DAS/English, where voting as a peaceful alternative
to force and violence was widely accepted.
More than 125 President of the United States (POTUS) candidates were nominated by the team
in 1995 on Usenet, and James Ogle was one who also correctly filed his campaign with the
Federal Elections Commission (FEC) and categorized as "Free Parliamentary Party".
That campaign continued in 1996 when Ralph Nader agreed to be on our team before
he ran for POTUS himself with the national Green Party.
The search engine Google (then known as "") derived their name
from our team in October of 1997. Their founder Sergie Brin doesn't want you to know:
Google, the party bosses of the Green Party and Libertarian Party have
viciously opposed the United Coalition. Despite the fact that the party
bosses of the CA State Green Party and the national Libertarian Party
censored our 2012 POTUS campaigns by bullying and de-linking the sites from the
national sites, as a Libertarian Party POTUS candidate in 2012, James Ogle
won the only primary (Missouri) which allowed Libertarians on the ballot
with 52.7%.
Ogle's 52.7% victory was due to the unifying message of PPR. Yet despite
the victory, James Ogle was denied speaking before the convention's attendees by
the rules, by those in charge of the political convention.
In 2012 the Green Party united with the Libertarian Party (Barr/Ogle) and did well
but the party bosses don't want anyone to know.
The Missourian Newspaper
Independent Political Report
Join the team that's bringing the new unity phenomena of PPR
that's sweeping the world!
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