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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

United Coalition USA

Pure Proportional Representation (PPR) Electoral College

Unity Platform USA

Nominations Began on 1/1/2019 and End on April 1st, 2020
Election: April 19th, 2020
Term: April 20th, 2020 to April 20th, 2024

PPR Electoral College Facebook Page
State-by-State Lists of Facebook Pages for Libertarian and Green Parties
2016 Federal Electoral College

Signup to Nominate:

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Unity Platform USA (1/24/2020)

-- Simultaneously pay down the USA deficit while spending is limited to within the budget after the resolutions for paying the deficit have been attained.
-- Eliminate income taxes for all US citizens and repeal the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
-- Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
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President: James Ogle [One]
Vice President: Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian]
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Prime Minister: Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
Secretary: James Ogle [One]
Prime Minister: Tulsi Gabbard [Democratic]
Secretary: Benjamin Meiklejohn [Independent Green]
Prime Minister: Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green]
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Navigation Bar for USA Parliament

Eleventh USA Parliament Election 4/19/2020
Blank Paper Ballot (Available April 1st, 2020)
Marked Paper Ballots
Marked Paper Ballot Totals
Pure Proportional Representation (PPR) Electoral College Nominations (#e-aps-13)

Pure Proportional Representation (PPR) Electoral College Nominations (#e-aps-13)
Blank Paper Ballot #e-aps-13
Marked Paper Ballots #e-aps-13
Marked Paper Ballot Totals #e-aps-13
Nominations (#e-aps-13)

Unity Platform Election (#e-aps-6)
Blank Paper Ballot #e-aps-6
Marked Paper Ballots #e-aps-6
Marked Paper Ballot Totals #e-aps-6

History of Candidates

Election of Precedents and Guidelines
Blank Eballot #62
Marked Eballot #62

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

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