Eballot #23
Eballot #23 to Elect Anti Terrorism Ministry Policy Guidelines
Simultaneously Elects Policy Guideline Items Which Garner 50% (plus one vote), Simple Majority of Votes
Directions to All Voters
Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed
to unitedcoalition at international-parliament org, mark your choices in blank "___" space,
and send the email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org.
Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2
beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice,
and so on. Consecutive numbers beginning with the #1 only.
You may rank as many choices as you please.
Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.
<----Begin eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->
Please complete all requests (*=required fields):
*Your Name ______________________________ (write in)
Political Party ______________________________ (write in)
Your country ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
* * *
Simultaneously Elects All
Guideline Items Which Garner 50% (plus one vote), Simple Majority of Votes
___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)
___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)
___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)
___ The Anti Terrorism Ministry will try to raise funds for employees of
the International Parliament.
___ The bookkeeping, payroll and taxes will be overseen by the All
Party System Co., USA Bureau.
___ The titles of the three administrators and other decisions
for the Anti Terrorism Ministry Directors' voting will be fashioned after
the USA Parliament's Small Business Administration Ministry.
___ The guidelines for policies in the Anti Terrorism Ministry will be
established by votes by a majority coalition of the Anti Terrorism Minister,
Deputy Minister(s) and Anti Terrorism
Ministry Directors.
___ All Ten Executives, full Cabinet and Deputy Cabinet Ministers of the International
Parliament will be invited to nominate up to fifty Directors in the
Anti Terrorism Ministry who will start electing three administrators.
* * *
<----End of eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->
Navigation for Anti Terrorism Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet
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