Eballot #33 - Simultaneously Elects Up to 50 Directors
Marked eballot by James Ogle on 4/5/2017 at home office as follows:
1 N S Ravishankar [Independent] (Disqualified, already full Secretary of Commerce Minister)
2 Dr. Mahendra B Jain [Father of Finance and World] (Elected on 8/24/2019)
3 Angela Parker [Independent]
4 Anant Jha [Info. Not Avail.]
5 Ziaul Harun Khokon [Info. Not Avail.]
6 Dato' Seri Dr. Noor Zaman Khan [Collagen House] ,
7 Dato' Seri Paduka Shafran Bin Haji Hassan [Independent] ,
8 Dr.h.c. Dato' Seri Sin Man Kai Edmond PhD [Independent] ,
9 Nur Aishah Binti Abdullah [UMNO] ,
10 Mirantee Ama [Ambassador of Economics Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman] ,
11 Shri Lalu Gde Pharmanegara Parman [Etnoforum, Indigeneous Peoples Association] ,
12 Abdur Rehman Hafeez [Humanity] ,
13 Marietta Arguido Reformado [URGC SRUDI PEACE] ,
14 Tan Boon Yek [Malaysia Youth Movement] ,
15 Ery Efendi Yusup [Welfare Minister] , martakerawang.bagindaraja@yahoo.com>,
16 Azhari Alias [Independent]
17 Khawla Azeh [Independent]
18 Nabil Magam [Independent]
19 Fairooz Zangana [Independent]
20 Nadim Ahmed Chowdhury [Independent]
21 Taras S. Shevchenko [Peace, International Mission for the Peace] ,
22 Joseph Gates [Republican] ,
23 HE (AMB) Ossai Kingsly Chimbi [Peoples Democratic] ,
24 Dr. Luiz Fernando da Rocha [Cabinet Minister] ,
25 Mamdouh Majed Radwan [Info. Not Avail.] ,
26 Brandt Smith [Classic Liberal] , (stands down on 4/20/2017)
27 Mussarat Ishaq [Info. Not Avail.] ,
28 Giuseppe Di Pace [Info. Not Avail.] ,
29 Rahmat Permana [Independent] ,
30 D.Y.M Seri Raja Dato' Paduka Thiwakaran Muagan [Independent]
31 Sanja Jokic [Independent]
32 Madein Ali [Independent]
33 Rose Shirley de Chavez [Independent]
34 Niead Bhuiyan [Independent]
35 Zeferino Arroyo [Independent]
36 Mohammad Rashid Qasim [Independent]
37 And Jamal Yousef [Independent]
38 Arafat Alsaidi [Independent]
39 Ibrahim Al-Jahmy [Independent]
40 Ibrahim AL Ahma [Info. Not Avail.] ,
41 James Ogle [Humanitarian] ,
42 Dr. Imad Al Hakim [MIP] ,
43 Todd Freeman [Social Democracy] ,
44 Crash Bandicoth [Info. Not Avail.] ,
45 Blessing Eno Brown [Info. Not Avail.] ,
46 Ganeskumar S/O Murugesu TIM.YDP Majlis Belia Daerah Sepang Selangor [Humanitarian Organization] ,
47 Mvolodiyaea [Info. Not Avail.] ,
48 Nishant Sisodio [BJP] ,
49 Gajendrasinh Jadhavrao [Info. Not Avail.] ,
50 Nathan Maier [Green] ,
51 Ambassador World Peace & Human Rights Agha Tarek H Khan [Peace and Humanity] ,
52 Amb Dr. Mohammed Babar Khan [MIP Member] ,
53 Dr. Prithvi Singh Ravish [Ambassador at Large for India & SAARC] , ,
not elected
54 Dawop Zayyad [Info. Not Avail.] (also in Peace Ministry) ,
55 Verone Thomas
56 Jane Nkem Ugwa [Info. Not Avail.] ,
57 Tom Ouk [Cambodia Officer] ,
58 Emmy [International Relations] , ,
59 Dianne Dorsey [Info. Not Avail.] (also in indeginous affairs) ,
Navigation for Secretary of Commerce Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet
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Marked Eballots #33
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Nominees for Eballot #70
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