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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Navigation for Electing Agenda Items

Agenda Eballot #4
Proposed Eballot #4 Agenda Items
Marked Eballot #4 for Agenda
Eballot #4 Totals for Agenda
Agenda Items Eballot #4 Approved

Eballot #4-a Proposed Senator "Declaration" Agenda Items
Marked Eballots #4-a for Agenda
Eballot #4-a Totals for Agenda
Agenda Items #4-a Approved

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Approved Agenda

Four Items Approved (6/10ths Vote Required to Approve) 6/25/2016

1. The Ten Executives agree to start the consideration of the ideas of Economic Development and Diplomatic Relations to facilitate our Members and the member countries in order to generate the funds for the International Parliament.

2. The Ten Executives must agree to pay all the basic expenses of web page hosting and design, split the costs ten ways equally amongst them until these basic costs are paid each year by May 1st of each year.

3. The IP Treasurer will be charged with completing a report on all money received and paid out and the report will be due by June 1st of each year.
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Navigation for Elected Members of International Parliament

All Elected Members' Eballot to Elect Guidelines "RESOLUTION NUMBER 1" (Eballot #1, Perpetual)
RESOLUTION NUMBER 1, Guidelines Approved
Marked Eballots for RESOLUTION NUMBER 1

First International Parliament Election 2022 (Paper Ballot #e-aps-16)
Blank Paper Ballot #e-aps-16
Nominations for Paper Ballot #e-aps-16
Totals for #e-aps-16

Unity Platform (Paper Ballot #e-aps-17)
Blank Paper Ballot #e-aps-17
Marked Blank Paper Ballots #e-aps-17

"Votes of Confidence" (Eballot #3, Perpetual)
Blank Eballot #3
Marked Eballot #3
Eballot #3 Totals

All Ten Executives' Agenda Items (Eballot #4, Perpetual)
Agenda Eballot #4
Proposed Eballot #4 Agenda Items
Marked Eballot #4 for Agenda
Eballot #4 Totals for Agenda
Agenda Items Eballot #4 Approved
Eballot #4-a Proposed Senator "Declaration" Agenda Items
Marked Eballots #4-a for Agenda

First International Parliament General Assembly Conferences (Eballot #117)
Meeting's Minutes

Welcome Members of International Parliament (MIPs) and History!
International Parliament Voting Links
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