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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Marked Eballots #4-a Proposed Senator "Declaration" Agenda Items

Marked Eballots #4-a Proposed Senator "Declaration" Agenda Items - Brief Description

Marked Eballots (11/28/2016)

1,1,1__ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?
2,2,2__ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?
3,3,3__ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?
4,4,4__ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?
5,5,5__ Have you been engaged in prostitution?
6,6,6__ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?
7,7,7__ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense?
8,8,8__ Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?
9,9,9__ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?
10,10,10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?
11,11,11__ Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?
12,12,12__ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?
13,13,13__ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?
14,14,14__ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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Marked Eballots (11/28/2016)

Subject: Declaration items as follows:
Date: 2016-05-06 15:12
From: Frank-Michael Hensel
To: unitedcoalition@international-parliament.org
Declaration items as follows:
_1__ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?
_2__ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?
_3__ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?
_4__ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?
_5__ Have you been engaged in prostitution?
_6__ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?
_7__ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense?
_8__ Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?
_9__ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?
_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?
_11__ Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?
_12__ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?
_13__ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?
_14__ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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President Edlira Zeka [Democratic] Earth voted via telephone on 5/7/2016 as follows:

__1_ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?

__2_ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?

__3_ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?

__4_ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?

__5_ Have you been engaged in prostitution?

__6_ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?

__7_ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offence?

___8 Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?

__9_ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?

_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?

___11 Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?

__12_ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

__13_ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?

__14_ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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Senator Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic] Earth voted via Edlira Zeka's forwarded message via telephone on 5/7/2016 as follows:

__1_ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?

__2_ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?

__3_ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?

__4_ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?

__5_ Have you been engaged in prostitution?

__6_ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?

__7_ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offence?

___8 Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?

__9_ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?

_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?

___11 Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?

__12_ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

__13_ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?

__14_ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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Prime Minister His August and Sovereign Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Dr. Angelo Toyas [Democratic] Greece voted via Edlira Zeka's forwarded message via telephone on 5/7/2016 as follows:

__1_ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?

__2_ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?

__3_ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?

__4_ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?

__5_ Have you been engaged in prostitution?

__6_ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?

__7_ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offence?

___8 Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?

__9_ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?

_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?

___11 Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?

__12_ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

__13_ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?

__14_ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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Head of State Sam Halabi [Democratic] USA voted via Edlira Zeka's forwarded message via telephone on 5/7/2016 as follows:

__1_ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?

__2_ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?

__3_ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?

__4_ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?

__5_ Have you been engaged in prostitution?

__6_ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?

__7_ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offence?

___8 Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?

__9_ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?

_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?

___11 Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?

__12_ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

__13_ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?

__14_ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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Subject: Eballot #4-A - Simultaneously Elects All Proposed-A Agenda Items with 6/10ths Vote
Date: 2016-05-04 08:20
From: "Dr. Maj General Lord Buck Rogers"
To: "unitedcoalition@international-parliament.org"

__1_ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?

__2_ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?

__3_ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?

__4_ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?

__5_ Have you been engaged in prostitution?

__6_ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?

__7_ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offence?

___8 Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?

__9_ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?

_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?

___11 Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?

__12_ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

__13_ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?

__14_ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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James Ogle voted on 4/29/2016 for Declaration items as follows:

_1__ Are you involved with local/regional/national/international politics?

_2__ Do you see any reason where there would be conflict of interests if you became a Senator?

_3__ Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime in your country or in other worldwide countries?

_4__ Have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances?

_5__ Have you been engaged in prostitution?

_6__ Have you ever been involved in money laundering?

_7__ Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense?

_8__ Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities or terrorist organizations, espionage, sabotage, or any other illegal activity?

_9__ Have you ever ordered incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?

_10__ Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in extra judicial killings, political killings, other other acts of violence?

_11__ Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?

_12__ Have you while serving as governance official been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

_13__ Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs?

_14__ Have you ever violated any law national or international?
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Totals Eballots #2 on 8/6/2017
Totals Eballots #2 on 12/18/2016
Totals Eballots #2 on 8/3/2014

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Eballot #4-a Proposed Senator "Declaration" Agenda Items
Marked Eballots #4-a for Agenda

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