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Senate Chamber Conference Call Conventions
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #13
July 4th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (7/5/2017)
Re-cap, Nineteen World Citizens Joined the IP Senate Chamber Conference Call on July 4th
Audio/video and text simultaneously.
1. Messages in the text facebook chat During Call
2. About the audio/video chat
3. List of 19 Participants in "IP Senate Chamber Audio/Video Conference" July 4th 2017
* * *
1. Messages in the text facebook chat During Call
Wpf wrote:
This is the OBJECTIVES
The main purpose of world peace foundation (WPF) is that of restoring peace in the community
through education. Hence our mission statement: "peace-love-unity."
We henceforth target at achieving the following objectives:
1. To inculcate a strong culture of peace that is based on none-violence and justice
into our children, adolescents and adults.
2. To equip our community members with proper skills on how to resolve conflicts in peaceful
3. To empower them with skills to help them intervene in conflicts "cases", which may
arise among individuals, families, companies, etc.
4. To unite children with hope to provide them with strong policies of good ways to
maintain peace among them-with expectations to see them extend such manners in the whole
5. To build more schools in the community.
6. To establish colleges / universities able to produce a well equipped personnel able
to resolve peacefully conflicts within our society.
7. To further make possible the celebration of the world peace day every year that falls
on 21/ September to promote the United Nations missions.
Why 21 September ?
This is the international day of peace.
To all Parties affiliated to international Parliament Committees. Unity in diversity seeks
to transcend the notion that an ideal nation should be composed of a certain ideology or
ethnic groups. We suggests that far from being weakened by different cultural strands, as
one nation the international Parliament parties is made stronger by acceptance of the many
different contributions made by its constituent parts.
The Unity of a global Republican movement the diversity seeks to move beyond mere tolerance
of other ethnic, cultural and religious divisions, but seeks to promote the idea that each
party has constituent play with valid contributions which strengthens the unity of the
Republican International Parliament globalisation in the Peace Process.
The unity of the Republican ministry's and International Parliament internal affiliated party's
the Committees of the Global Republican Peace Movement.
Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where
individuals and nations are free.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.
For the globalisation of the international Parliament and affiliated parties, committee members,
the governance in the development of the Peace Programme with international unity of the
ministry's global Republican movement. The key to success in the Peace Process is with
international Parliaments unity of professionals synergy of intergovernmental organizations
that are committed and are coming together thanks James Ogle
Gursagar Preet joined the group video chat.
Paolo Giovanni
Have a Blessed Day too Dear Friends Excellencys! Greetings from Germany
Lakhbir Singh joined the group video chat.
I would like to suggest that I support violence against women and children
It would be ideal to discuss it on 21 September what do you think?
Yes we can discuss.
The TOGETHER initiative
TOGETHER is a global initiative led by the United Nations that wants to change negative perceptions
and attitudes towards refugees and migrants, and to strengthen the social contract between host
countries and communities, and refugees and migrants.
In the New York Declaration, all 193 UN Member States unanimously welcomed TOGETHER and committed
to implementing the campaign. TOGETHER will run until the signing of two separate Global Compacts,
one on Refugees and one on Migrants, in the second half of 2018. These compacts seek to regulate
how the world will address large movements of people.
TOGETHER's strategy
TOGETHER engages and mobilizes global citizens to show support for refugees and migrants.
TOGETHER speaks to communities hosting refugees and migrants as well as people concerned that
refugees and migrants may bring physical and economic insecurity to their lives.
TOGETHER creates a strong, persuasive narrative of solidarity toward refugees and migrants and
showcases the shared benefits of migration to economies and nations, while also acknowledging
legitimate concerns of host communities.
TOGETHER provides a platform for stories of and by refugees and migrants and host communities
that have benefitted from welcoming them. TOGETHER tells stories of children on the move.
TOGETHER helps host communities and refugees and migrants to know each other better.
We are one
Can we all start working together in association with International Parliament in our #tag campaign
we will go out to the masses.
#GlobalPeaceParty #Politics #Parliament
Of course
Paolo Giovanni
Of course
Yes this is good.
Senator Tia wrote:
In Cote D'ivoire(Ivory Coast) of Africa, we need To unite children,students with
hope to provide them with strong policies of good ways to maintain peace among them-
with expectations to see them extend such manners in the whole community.
1. To build more schools in the community.
2. To establish colleges / universities able to produce a well equipped
personnel able to resolve peacefully conflicts within our society.The system
LMD(Bachelor -Master -Doctorate) is not well organized in here.
* * *
2. About the audio/video chat
Once "call to order" took place at the advertised time at ten minutes after the
hour, only five speakers remained for roll call;
IP Senator/Speaker Chair James Ogle [Republican]
IP Senator Michel Tia [NWP]
IP Treasury Ministry Director Shabbir Ahmed Baloch [Info. Not Avail.]
IP Global Entrepreneurs Development Minister Lakhbir Singh Sokhi [Independent]
After roll call, at about 9:10 am Pacific Time, when we were about to start
with five-minute speaking presentations, first guest speaker and top-ranked IP Global
Entrepreneurs Development Ministry Director Gursagar Preet
Singh [Software Engineer] joined the call and he spoke for about
five minutes.
IP Senator Jennifer Naidu [Women Empowerment and Education] and
IP Senator Turkan (pronounced TUR chen) Ergor [Peace] also
joined with comments from time to time.
The audio wasn't very clear from his microphone, as now
IP Senator Jennifer Naidu [Women Empowerment and Education] and
IP Senator James Ogle [Republican] both agreed that the audio
from Entrepreneurs Development Ministry Director Gursagar Preet
Singh [Software Engineer] was not clear.
Entrepreneurs Development Ministry Director Gursagar Preet
Singh [Software Engineer] spoke about an international economy and its
relation with people in India.
The next speaker, IP Treasury Ministry Director Shabbir Ahmed Baloch [Info. Not Avail.],
spoke about his interests in medical, education and youth topics.
IP Treasury Ministry Director Shabbir Ahmed Baloch [Info. Not Avail.] spoke about
"love" and "humanity". He spoke about "positive ways", communication, debate,
and expressed a deep appreciation in participating.
Next, IP Senator Turkan Ergor [Peace] spoke, and she mentioned her work
as Ambassador and director with several organizations. She also
emphasized her interest in peace which is also expressed by her
proclaiming "Peace Party" as her political affiliation.
The call lasted under one hour and twenty-four minutes and there was
continuing conversation and dialogue among the various callers who came
in and out during the call.
One interesting note, IP President/Senator Kwan Tera [One] joined
the call several time, while she used telephone while on breaks from her
regular job.
IP Senator Speaker Chair James Ogle [Republican] spoke for about
five minutes about the International Parliament Election of 2017
and the write-in campaign.
In general, the call was a great success, with many new precedents and
people. The call laid good groundwork for future calls in the
IP Senate Chamber.
* * *
3. List of 19 Participants in "IP Senate Chamber Audio/Video Conference" July 4th 2017
These nineteen people joined the group video call, for varying periods of time:
James Ogle started the call.
G P Ludwig joined the group video chat.
Declaimer Shabbir joined the group video chat.
ali joined the group video chat.
Tony (Anthony) joined the group video chat.
Lee Phillip Cato joined the group video chat.
Turkan joined the group video chat.
Gursagar Preet joined the group video chat.
Christelle joined the group video chat.
Michel joined the group video chat.
Jennifer joined the group video chat.
Sayed joined the group video chat.
Lakhbir Singh joined the group video chat.
May joined the group video chat.
Wpf joined the group video chat.
Moroccan joined the group video chat.
Dr-Haitham joined the group video chat.
Paolo Giovanni joined the group video chat.
Nadine's joined the group video chat.
(NOTE: Because the "call to order" wasn't scheduled until twenty minutes after the
call began, only three to five persons remained to take turns speaking.)
* * *
Conference #12
June 11th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (6/11/2017)
"IP Facebook Committee" Conference on June 11th, 2017
The facebook chat audio/video call started at approximately 9:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time, California USA)
Call to order began around 9:10 am
Roll call around 9:12 am.
Approximately six participants were seen in group.
Present at roll call were:
1) Guest Speaker MIP Lakhbir Singh Sokhi [Human Rights Activist]
2) IP Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights]
3) IP Senator James Ogle [Republican]
4) IP Senator Mahmoud Haridy [Independent]
5) IP Senator Dr. Anthony Fernandes [Republican]
6) IP Senator Jennifer Niadu [Women Empowerment and Education] (briefly joined the call)
* * *
IP Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights] began the conversation before call to
order talking about how he is stranded in Guinea Bissau, Africa, and how he requests
help in the forms of emails or letters to the authorities.
After roll call, he spoke first, and again gave more details about how his
passport was taken from him and that he believes the Guinea Bissau Ambassador
to Lebanon is responsible for his problems. He was reportedly in Guinea Bissau
from his home country in Lebanon to accept a peace award for his work.
As a side note, one our first nominees for MIP to the International
Parliament, who is also currently the top-ranked name on the biggest category
"Info. Not Avail." from the International Parliament's home page, is also from Guinea Bissau:
His name is MIP Agostinho Antonio FONA [Info. Not Avail.] Guinea Bissau 1/29/2015.
MIP FONA was nominated by a figure from Lebanon, our first Foreign Affairs Minister,
Hassain Bou Said [Independent].
We will wait to hear from Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights], with regards to the
person we should email and/or write, as he asks our help. Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights]
has been there in Guinea Bissau for more than two months, his passport not returned by authorities.
Author of these meeting's minutes, myself being Senate Chamber Speaker James Ogle [Republican],
was next to speak.
I announced the big write-in effort, for all members who wish to be elected to the
First International Parliament, and how all write-in names need help with getting their
names written in, because they have a much lower chance of winning a seat.
The next conference call, Conference #13, will be held on Monday July 4th, so that
all write-in names can come forward and work together. July 4th is our big day,
the peak, the middle of summer, and the "First International Parliament Election of 2017"
ends on August 5th, one month after July 4th.
The general public will also be invited to the home office here in Pacific Grove, in
order to get instructions live on being a write-in name. More announcements and more
publicity is being generated to promote the July 4th event, and so press releases and
videos, are being prepared now to that effect.
The next speaker was IP Senator Mahmoud Haridy [Independent], who spoke briefly and favorably
about our work at the International Parliament.
Finally, IP Senator Dr. Anthony Fernandes [Republican] spoke, and started by asking some
very good questions about the write-in campaign for the International Parliament.
The questions and answers helped him understand about both the marking of
eballot which are printed out and and paper ballots which are combined with the printed
eballots into one stack.
The conversation was recorded for possible use in future tutorials in voting.
Senator James Ogle explained that in the case of both eballots and paper ballots,
the teacher must practically hold the voters' hands when they vote, so they
are sure to use consecutive numerals. Also, that placing number one at the
top, then followed by consecutive numerals thereafter by copy and paste on email
ballots (eballots), helps both the voter and vote counters, to double-check
that no number was skipped, no numeral or name marked more than once and for
saving time on web page work since all eballots are posted on the site for
Honorable IP Senator Dr. Anthony Fernandes [Republican] next spoke extensively
about global terrorism concerns and solutions.
Many subjects were touched on in his five minutes including concerns regarding
politicians' lack of willpower, lack of efficiency and lack of accountability, with
regards to protecting the public from terrorism.
He implied that voting reforms may help with corruption. He mentioned the issue
with the large numbers of votes needed by politicians in elections and lack of
accountability, as being a problem with regard to terrorism.
He said that communication and awareness of the problems are among the solutions.
Senator Fernandes and Ogle next conversed about the recent World Republican Party
executive election, of whom he and I are two of the five. Three of five being outside of USA.
The names are linked to the virtual World Republican Party board room:
And text version of the virtual World Republican Party board room:
Of the five World Republican Party executives, one is from United Kingdom, one from India and one Serbia.
One of the five World Republican Party executives from United Kingdom has brought several new members
from the Global Peace Party to the "Write-in Committee" and so the Global Peace Party has already seen
votes for several of their members to elect them into the International Parliament.
See the web page with the marked eballots to date here:
Next Honorable IP Senator Dr. Anthony Baptista Fernandes [Republican] spoke about the 36 states in India,
how there are several small Republican Parties around India, most of them friendly towards the USA Republican Parties.
Senator James Ogle also noted that there are several USA Republican Parties, the biggest of which,
is led by USA President Donald Trump [Republican], whose Chief of Staff is Reince Priebus [Republican],
who is also the current RNC (USA Republican National Committee) Chairman.
The call ended here, approximately less than two hours after it had begun.
* * *
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #11
May 28th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (5/30/2017)
"IP Facebook Committee" Conference on May 28th, 2017
The facebook chat audio/video call started at approximately 9:00 am PST.
Call to order began around 9:10 am Pacific Standard Time.
Roll call around 9:30 am.
Approximately nine participants were seen in group.
Present at roll call were:
1) Guest Speaker Education Ministry Director Michel Faly [RHDP]
2) IP Senator Jennifer Naidu [Volunteer for Women Empowerment and Education]
3) IP Senator Ambassador Dr. Sayed Salim Al Sous [Peace, Grand Master Freemason]
4) IP Senator Anthony Fernandes [Republican]
5) IP Senator Tersilio BeneDetti [Parliamento Mondiale]
6) Guest Speaker Media Communication Minister H.E. Mosharaf Chowdhury [Independent]
After a few technical difficulties, problems in audio and video
that continue with the facebook conference, the following names also joined the call:
7) Guest Speaker Global Entrepreneurs Development Minister Lakhbir Singh [Human Rights Activist]
8) IP Senator Dr. Haitham Durbie [Humanity]
9) Guest Speaker Education Ministry Director Darrin Hocker [Republican]
* * *
Speaking began with Guest Speaker Media Communication Minister H.E. Mosharaf
Chowdhury [Independent], who made announcements regarding progress and
plans with his Ministry.
Guest Speaker Global Entrepreneurs Development Minister Lakhbir Singh [Human Rights Activist]
spoke secondly with powerful words on human rights and world events including
the recent Manchester and Egypt terrorist events which were condemned by him.
Guest Speaker Education Ministry Director Michel Faly [RHDP] spoke third,
stating that he planed to bring more information about education issues
in Ivory Coast to the Senate Chamber in August.
IP Senator Jennifer Naidu [Volunteer for Women Empowerment and Education]
calling for more support for actions in India.
IP Senator James Ogle [Republican] mentioned the United Coalition of
Candidates (UCC), member in Ghanna running for national chair of National
Patriot Party (NPP) and also mentioned we are seeking candidates in India
because the UCC is our top priority in support by free speech announcements.
press releases, etc.
Guest Speaker Media Communication Minister H.E. Mosharaf Chowdhury [Independent]
spoke more about the International Affairs and Political Relations group he
works with and projects he is involved including one associated between European
Union and Africa Union. He also expressed interest in hearing more about elected
UCC committee member for Chairman of National Patriot Party of Ghana
Alhaji Abubakari Abdul Rahaman [NPP].
The call ended around 10:50 am, after about two hours.
* * *
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #10
May 21st, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (5/23/2017)
"IP Skype Committee" Conference on May 21st, 2017
The call started at approximately 10:00 am. By 10:10
am, Pacific Standard Time (PST), Honorable Senator James
Ogle [Republican] and Honorable Senator Rana
Sandlin (pronounced RAIN-a) had begun a lengthy one-hour
No other callers entered the conversation
for the entirety of the audio/video call.
Human Rights Ministry Director MD Nabeel Taha [NSTWFI]
was seen to temporarily enter the call. His photo was
seen but he left the call soon after.
There was also questions about why at least one other
scheduled speaker could not follow the link and enter
the conversation. That was the first speaker scheduled
to speak, Honorable Senator Amb Kimicoh Kimico [Global
Ambassador of World Peace], who later messaged that he
had experience with Skype but had never had difficulty
entering a group call.
Ad Hoc Skype Committee chairman James Ogle, asks
that other participants set up group calls, so we
can figure out better how Skype works and also
because Senator James Ogle has been stretched so
thin for all the work and responsibilities incurred
in organizing the calls.
* * *
Senator Sandlin largely led the conversation with
Senator Ogle following up in breaks with questions
and clarifications.
The following points were made by Senators Rana Sandlin,
and I, Senator Ogle, who were largely in agreement on
all points.
--The All Party System Co.'s 2017 application to
the United Nations (UN) deadline is June 30th, 2017.
--Both Senator, Ogle and Sandlin, agreed to participate
on the application.
--In addition, Senator Sandlin expressed interest in
the "UN Watch" group, Funding for Mercy and also the
parent company of the International Parliament,
the All Party System Co.
--Hon Senator Sandlin noted that she was following
and supporting Julian Assange, that he was backed
by a Socialist Party and USA Boston Tea Party.
--Hon Sandlin said she is working to encourage
the USA Green Party.
Those are the notes. After the call, Senator Ran
Sandlin agreed to join the board of directors (BoDs)
of the new All Party System Co., and she was promptly
elected as BoD by three voters; her own, APS Co. Vice
President James Ogle's and Investor BoD Ernest Wells.
The Skype call was concluded at approximately 11 am PST,
about one hour after it began.
* * *
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #9
May 14th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (5/14/2017)
"IP Facebook Committee" Conference on May 14th, 2017
The call started at approximately 10:15 am because of problems initiating the call.
Roll call by Speaker James Ogle, took place shortly after roll call, only
Speaker Masharaf Chowdhury, cameraman Tony Wagoner and James Ogle were present.
It may be that no other chat members clicked "join" the call,
so Masharaf Chowdhury and James Ogle spoke, mostly about proposals
for the new Media Communication Ministry which Hon Chowdhury had
recently taken leadership as full Minister.
While there seemed to be many technical problems with the call
caused by learning the new Facebook audio/video system, Ogle and
Chowdhury were able to get a lot done and to reach many agreements.
During the conversation, we did see many speakers and Senators
join the call for a few seconds to several minutes. There were
approximately nine whose names entered the conversation, and
with the exception of Senator Tersilio Benedetti [Parliamento Mondiale],
few said much during the call.
Media Communication Minister H.E. Mosharaf Chowdhury [Independent]
went on to explain how he works with other groups. See his
facebook page for a more complete and updated list:
He expressed an eagerness to help facilitate ad hoc committees
which he will initiate, to produce qualify press releases, including
audio/video new bulletins. And he was agreeable to have our
highest authorities in the International Parliament to review
and approve such press releases before they are to be published.
Senate Speaker James Ogle noted that our primary new release system
is with the Day-to-Day and Monthly Bulletins. And that as he
is Media Communication Minister, that the Vote Counting Ministry
and web site maintainers are happy to make updates on his Ministry's
home page:
There were a few more test calls after Media Communication Minister was finished
speaking but no more substantial content.
* * *
More Notes on Technical Problems with Facebook audio/video call:
1) When a call is initiated, the initiator can click a red check by each group members name, and that will ring their telephone.
2) Because I did not understand that, I did not click every person's name, until about an hour after the call was initiated. That made us off-schedule.
3) The calls can be dropped by accident and then joined again, but all names must be clicked, in order to ring their bell to answer by clicking the word "JOIN" and in some cases "accept".
4) We did accomplish much, with Media Communication Minister HE Masharaf Chowdhury with many great ideas and agreements between Vote Counting Ministry and Media Communications Ministry.
And his Ministry is electing 50 Directors, voting starts today, and ends in one week Saturday night at midnight (PST).
So the call was a great success in helping us to work together on his Ministry elections.
See the Media Communication Ministry home page here:
In one week of voting, we expect that many new Directors will be elected, and voting is open to all registered members of the International Parliament.
In one week, his Ministry, will likely look very different as he is eager to elect fresh Directors there.
5) One Senator called in and had background noise. For future practice, speakers may want to try muting their microphone when they are not speaking, especially if/when they bring background noise to the group.
6) We will plan the next "IP Senate Chamber" facebook conference call, tentative in two weeks from today.
If someone has suggestions for a time-change for the call, let us know, otherwise the 10 am PST works well in California USA.
7) There is a telephone conference call in six hours for anyone who has free time to phone in.
Starchild has confirmed as one caller at the call at 7 pm (PST) California, USA. It is 12:09 pm here and the call is a 7 pm, so that is in seven hours.
Here is the detailed info.:
May 14th, 2017, "IP Telephone Committee" Call (831) 392-8337 PIN# 6829, 7 pm Pacific Standard Time (California)
Another problem was that I was blocked by facebook for about 48 hours, had created a different "IP Senate Chamber"
group, and then we had two groups and so many people (including me) got confused with having two groups. I did
delete the second group and so you may have seen that one as I deleted all the names. This is the only "IP Senate
Chamber" facebook group now. It is for facebook audio/video calls, and only for facebook.
We are also delegating others to start more ad hoc committees, two of which are the "IP Skype Committees" (on facebook and Skype) and also "IP Telephone Committee".
Another important issue, that only Google Chome and certain browsers work with facebook chat, so when we use Microsoft Edge for example, we have to switch to Chrome, during the call.
For facebook audio/video chat. it doesn't seem like Microsoft Explorer or Microsft Edge brousers work at all with facebook audio/video chats.
* * *
Conference #8
May 7th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (5/11/2017)
"IP Skype Committee" Conference on May 7th, 2017
The call started at 9:54 am PST
Roll call by Speaker James Ogle, Present were Rafael Louis, MD Nabeel Taha, Akekough M'Barek, Musharaf Chowdhury and James Ogle
[Sunday, May 07, 2017 10:27 AM] Afekough M'Barek wrote:
1 Afekough M'Barek [Socialist] Morocco
2 Ahmed Imloul [Activist Human Rights] Morocco
* * *
(The vote cast listed above, didn't designate which eballot, but Vote Counting Minister notes here
that Ahmed Imloul [Activist Human Rights] Morocco is already ballot-qualified as MIP, as well as an elected
Director in Cooperation and Development Ministry).
Musharaf Chowdhury wrote:
I have few updates in relation to International Affairs of The World Leaders Forum. Our Nigerian ambassadors recently
have done incredible job in relation to improve the situation of terrorism and to work against crimes and they have
been able to negotiate and free almost 20 girls from Boko Haram with the Help of Local Government this week.
MD Nabeel Taha, Nstwfi President From India wrote:
I invite all IP members to join me in Nstwfi Grand Meeting in New Delhi india. And feeling too good im a part of ip thanks to James Ogle
The Skype call lasted 37 minutes, followed by a 2nd call of 27 minutes, for total time
of 64 minutes in Senate Chamber Conference on May 7th, 2017.
* * *
Conference #7
April 20th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (4/25/2017)
1. Simultaneous Skype and Facebook One-Hour Senate Chamber Conference Call Accomplished
2. Audio and Video Material Quality Vastly Improving and Production Increasing
* * *
1. Simultaneous Skype and Facebook One-Hour Senate Chamber Conference Call Accomplished
Senator James Ogle conducted a conference call and the following names
were advertised and schedule was promoted:
Schedule for Speaking Slots on April 20th, 2017
Video Conference Call, Facebook and Skype Simultaneously, Starts at 9:00 am, Pacific Standard Time, 12 noon NYC and 6 pm United Kingdom
Facebook = "IP Senate Chamber" and Skype =
9:10 am - Call to Order by Chair James Ogle
9:11 am - Roll Call (one-minute intro. for all present, plus all Senators and guests, during roll call)
Speakers, Reports of Committees and Ministries
By Vote Counting Ministry
Updated on 4/19/2017 and schedule is subject to change as anytime.
Speakers please coordinate with those ahead and after your time slot to speak.
9:30 am - Starchild [Libertarian]
9:45 am - Darrin Hocker [Republican] [PRESENT AND SPOKE]
Pass ----> Mark Herd [Libertarian] (unavailable on 4/20/2017)
10:00 am - IP Senator Anthony Fernandes [Republican]
10:15 am - Aladji Bashiri [Info. Not Avail.]
10:30 am - Zoheb Salim [Info. Not Avail.]
Pass ----> Andy Caffrey [Green Democratic] (unavailable on 4/20/2017)
10:45 am - IP Senator Michel Tia [NWP]
Pass ----> Jim Doyle [Republican] (unavailable on 4/20/2017)
11:00 am - H.E. Mosharaf Chowdhury [Independent] [PRESENT AND SPOKE]
11:15 pm - Michel Faly [RHDP]
11:30 pm - IP Senator Rene Sandlin [Independent]
11:45 pm - Raphael Louis [National Coalition Party of Canada (NCPC)] [PRESENT AND SPOKE]
12:00 pm - IP Senator Pamela Elizondo [Green] [PRESENT AND SPOKE]
12:15 pm - IP Senator Hassan Abdrabu [Independent]
12:30 pm - Abdelkader Boubekeur [Independent]
12:45 pm - IP Senator James LeSage [Humanitarian]
1:00 pm - IP Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights]
1:15 pm - IP Senator Buck Rogers [Conservative]
1:30 pm - IP Senator Kwan Tera [One] [PRESENT]
1:45 pm - IP Senator James Ogle [Republican]
2:00 pm - Guest Speakers
2:15 pm - Final Roll Call
* * *
2. Audio and Video Material Quality Vastly Improving and Production Increasing
The results of conference #7 shows how far the audio/video quality
has been coming but also shows how much further we need to go.
A video is being composed of the Senate Chamber Conferences,
and Conference #6 did gain good video material, but the sound
quality was very poor.
Only two speakers were able to speak with
fair to good sound; Education Ministry Director nominee Darrin Hocker [Republican]
and United Coalition Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada (2019)
Raphael Louis [National Coalition Party of Canada (NCPC)].
Darrin Hocker spoke about school programs in food and
teaching ethics and other programs for varying grade
levels to children in school.
Rafael Louis spoke against corruption and money
in government and support for funding for homeless people.
The session lasted about an hour and helped expose many changes needed;
such as speeding up the roll call and limiting speaking slots to five minutes.
* * *
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #6
February 18th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (2/19/2017)
1. Skype Conference #6 on February 18th featured two Senators who connected with two others and audience of 6 to 25.
2. Facebook Conference #6 on February 18th featured three Senators who connected.
* * *
1. Skype Conference #6 on February 18th featured two Senators who connected with two others and audience of 6 to 25.
This was the first attempt at a Skype call for IP Senate Chamber Conference and happens on call #6, call #6
being split into two calls; Skype and Facebook.
Honorable Skype Committee Chairman Michel Tia [NWP] Ivory Coasts planned, initiated and
choreographed the Skype call whch included several guests including United Coalition
of Candidates (UCC) guest Mark Herd [Libertarian], who is a very busy person lately, seeking Los Angeles
City Council District seat #5 on March 7th, 2017, USA. Senators James Ogle and Michel Tia were
Global Governance For A New Economic System Directors and Skype support programmer Director Michel Fally [RHDP]
and Herve Tia [RHDP] also made appearances. Michel Fally [RHDP] as a technical support from Skype on cell phone
and Herve Tia [RHDP] as a sort of elder spokesperson interested in the project.
The call was recorded on Home Office side, but only Senator James Ogle, within the
Home Office, was recorded from the 50-minute session since the technical support within
the Home Office is non-existent.
At the time of this writing it is unknown if more video was recorded
from others outside the Home Office.
The Home Office just installed internet and wifi for the first time in
two years the day before the conference, so although many cameras, computers (both
mac and PC) and programmers are co-hosting at the Home Office, there was no
other attempts other than by James Ogle, attempts to collect audio and video
Home Office does have six files of video recordings of James Ogle's side
of the call, from the six Senate Chamber Conferences which have taken place.
There was a small audience of 6 to 25 observers (estimate by this writer James Ogle)
in Ivory Coast, from the office of Senator Tia, and their reactions to the speakers,
largely approval and in French, was a colorful new deminsion.
The meeting took a very serious turn as Senator Tia explained that his
talents in language have helped him reach out to people of other countries in Western Africa,
with regard to the new International Parliament.
Senator Tia mentioned many initiatives by him to promote and build the new
International Parliament. He also said that he speaks English, Spanish, German,
Arabic and thus impressed the audience with his knowledge.
James Ogle stressed that the pure proportional representation (PR) enables us in
our goals and that the PR, while not well-understood because of the algebra,
is the reason for our optimism and success.
Michel Fally came on as a Skype call from his cell phone and offered
assistance on issues with Skype to Michel Tia.
Finally, Hon Director Herve Tia [RHDP], spoke about working and/or travelling
to the USA and Hon Senator James Ogle [Republican] noted that the new
International Parliament is like a small opposition political party
in the USA, has no influence in the USA's State Department, international affairs or the
US Embassy in Ivory Coast.
At about 9:50 am PST, James Ogle began requesting that Senator Tia end the Skype
call. Although no roll-call was made, it appeared that Mark Herd was present
though to the end as his Skype Photo was on the screen and he did respond several
times through the call.
The call from Home Office ended when James Ogle clicked end, but there
was a few Skype calls that followed as tests.
* * *
2. Facebook Conference #6 on February 18th featured three Senators who connected.
The Facebook call was to start at 10 am PST with Mark Herd initiating the Facebook
call. But Herd asked for next fill-in to call so call was delayed for 15 minutes for
Senator LeSage to call. LeSage did not call, but did arrive later, at the Home Office
while looking for his cell phone which he located in his automobile.
James Ogle initiated the Facebook call at 10:30 am from Home Office and again
had the session recorded. But no others could be recorded.
Senator Pamela Elizondo [Green] USA and Senator Hassan Abdrabu [Independent] Palestine
were on the call with Senator James Ogle for about ten minutes. They had some interesting
exchanges and introductions.
The call went dead from the Home Office after about ten minutes. Exhausted, James
Ogle did not call again but considered the day a success.
* * *
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #5
February 4th, 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (2/4/2017)
1. Conference #5 on February 4th featured about eight Senators who connected.
2. Ranking Speakers and Co-Speakers and Speaker "Fill-Ins"
* * *
1. Conference #5 on February 4th featured about eight Senators who connected.
Co-Speaker Rogers was scheduled to initiate the call, but
due to an urgent matter at his regular job, he requested
that James Ogle fill in.
The call was initiated via facebook chat by James Ogle
at approximately 9 am Pacific Western Time.
Present for roll call were Honorable Senators Pamela
Elizondo [Green], Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights].
Honorable Senator Hassan Abdrabu [Independent] phoned
in and appeared to be speaking Arabic with Ali Akil
Khalil [Human Rights].
Later Honorable Senators Ivon Ramzi [Info. Not Avail.],
Kwan Tera [One] and 2016 Honorable Alberto Gomez Fuertes
[Independent] Spain 5/27/2015 were all registered on
facebook as recipients of the facebook chat phone call.
Agreement was made to use Skype for next conference
call one week later, on Saturday February 11/2017, and
two Senators said they can use Skype; Senator Michel Tia
and uncertain; either Senator Adrabu or Senator Khalil.
A second agreement was made between Senator Abdrabu and
Senator Ogle to help build Senator Adrabu's Higher Education
Ministry. The agreement is that once the Human Rights Ministry
reaches capacity of 50 Directors within two or three weeks,
then new signups are directed to Senator/Minister Abdrabu's
Higher Education Ministry.
* * *
2. Ranking Speakers and Co-Speakers and Speaker "Fill-Ins"
In a first precedent, Co-Speaker/Senator Rogers could not
make the conference call that he was to iniate and so Speaker/
James Ogle happily conducted the call on the fly.
Now we need to continue setting the trend and call on the
3rd back-up to initiate the call and several Senators are
interested in Skype. We invite other Senators to
initiate the next call. The Ten Execs will rank names.
* * *
Report on Senate Chamber Conferences
Conference #1, #2, #3 and #4
January 14th, 15th, 21st and 22nd 2017
By Vice President James Ogle (1/22/2017)
1. Conference #1 on January 14th featured about eight Senators who connected.
2. Conference #2 on January 15th featured about four Senators who connected.
3. Conference #3 on January 21st featured about thirteen Senators who connected.
4. Last half of call resulted in agreements between Senator Rogers and Senator Ogle
5. URL for Senate Chamber Conference Call Guidelines
6. Conference #4 on January 22nd featured no Senators by Chairperson Ogle did intiate call
7. Final Analysis by Chairperson Ogle on Improving the Senate Chamber Conference Calls
* * *
1. Conference #1 on January 14th featured about eight Senators who connected.
Conference #1 can be described as opening with choas, as several
of the eight Senators spoke with no order. A roll call was taken
by James Ogle which seemed to add order. An attempt for meeting's
outline fashioned after All Party System Co.'s outline for meetings
was made by James Ogle. Roll call established about seven participants,
and an eighth joined after roll call. Some video was used but since
James Ogle initiated the call on low quality touch-screen phone,
video was not good and crashed the call.
An audio recording of the call was successfully captured.
* * *
2. Conference #2 featured about four Senators who connected.
Conference #2 was less-impressive, with fewer Senators participating.
Good video and good audio was successfully captured.
* * *
3. Conference #3 featured about thirteen Senators who connected.
The best and most productive call of the three featured approximately
eleven Senators connected in some form. Senator/President Kwan Tera connected
from the biginning and Senator/CEO Buck Rogers and Senator/Vice President James Ogle
also remained connected for much of the call. James Ogle. initiator of the call,
lost contact once or twice, but kept his preferences as audio only (not video)
though the call when connected.
CEO Buck Rogers explained technical information; that audio by the
initiator (VP James Ogle) is better than video when using cell phone, but CEO Rogers
also implied that when the initiator has better internet access
then the quality of video call will improve.
Before the meeting a "Chairperson and Co-Chairperson" were elected
via facebook voting by the Ten Execs as outlines in guideline item #79:
"__79__ EXECUTIVES: The Executives of the International
Parliament may select or approve persons to serve as Chairpersons, Legal
Counsels, and Secretaries for each committee and any other position
to help conduct the business.
* * *
Four of the Ten Executives voted for Chairpersons under guideline
79, James Ogle as Chairperson and Buck Rogers; James Ogle,
Kwan Tera, Amb Abdelkader Boubekeur, Buck Rogers and James Ogle.
Those votes were taken on a facebook chat list for the Ten Execs
only. Elected were James Ogle Chairperson and Buck Rogers
1,1,1,1 James Ogle (4 tics, sum of 4)
2,2,2,2 Buck Roger (4 tics, sum 8)
3 Anthony Frenandes (1 tic, sum 3)
Senator Anthony Fernandes also expressed interest
in chairperson and recieves a #3 tic from James Ogle.
Conference #3 started with about featured about nine Senators
connected and after ten minutes a "call to order" and
"roll call" was attempted by James Ogle but several
callers were coming in and out so not much success.
Senator Michel Tia wrote in the chat group that he
was having difficulties. He recieved notices but
when he clicked he got immediately blocked.
James Ogle announced an internet co-hosting agreement at the Home
Office with Senaor James Le Sage which will result in internet access.
Kwan Tera noted her first time to hear Buck Rogers speak.
Joining during or at the end of the facebook conference phone call were;
Senator Kwan Tera
Senator Buck Rogers
Senator James Ogle
Senator Anthony Fernandes
Senator Alberto Fuertes
Senator Hassain Abdrabu
Senator Ivon Ramzi
Senator Laura Frustaci
Senator Michel Tia
Senator Bryant Hawkins left the conversation during the call.
Joining the facebook chat immediately after the call were:
Senator Jurgen Paul Otto
Senator Francesco D'Alassandro
Senator Ali Khalil
Total 13 Senators connected in some way or another.
* * *
4. Last half of call resulted in agreements between Senator Rogers and Senator Ogle
--Human Rights Ministry
--Proof of service for Senate Chamber Convention recieved positive comments
--Inquiries about dues-payers and income answered
* * *
--Human Rights Ministry
After many joined and then were knocked off, at the end of the meeting
only Senators James Ogle and Buck Rogers remained, were able to chat and discuss
a viriaty of subjects including;
An agenda item to bring concrete action with Human Rights Ministry headed up by
Human Rights Minister Suresh Verma [Global Union], Deputy Human Rights Minister
Abdullah Suhail [Info. Not Avail.].
The Human Rights Ministry had been active with several new Directors elected
and so a proposed connection between CEO Buck Rogers and Human Rights Ministry is a sign
of further activity in Human Rights.
--Proof of service for Senate Chamber Convention recieved positive comments
James Ogle asked for feedback on "proof of service" as part of meetings and
CEO Rogers reacted positively and so proof of service (notifying Senators of
next meeting) seems welcomed. The lead-time for notification is currently
two to seven days.
--Inquiries about dues-payers and income answered
CEO Rogers asked about dues-payers and income and James Ogle
responded that the two latest Senators of the 37 are Michel
Tia and James LeSage, each donating $60.
The only other income in January 2017 is the $22.94 from
recycling and $400. by James Ogle.
The income and expenditures are being updated on the
Treasury Ministry home page. To see the latest updates
go to the Treasury Ministry home page, scroll to the
bottom navigation bar and click "2017".
The meeting was adjourned after no further comments from either
Senator Buck Rogers or James Ogle were explored and final
roll call; Senaors Buck Rogers and James Ogle.
* * *
5. URL for Senate Chamber Conference Call Guidelines
The location for guidelines for Senate Chamber Conferences
under guideline items #70 through #82.
--Only Chairperson or Co-Chairperson may call all-Senator meeting conferences
--Seven day proof of service to be required for meetings.
--Preferred contact for proof of service to be used for notifications for each Senator.
* * *
6. Conference #4 on January 22nd featured no Senators by Chairperson Ogle did intiate call
Senator Tia called for a call, Senator Ogle called him several times and images
were recieved between both parties but no audio. Shortly afterwards on the hour,
Senator Ogle iniated a call in "IP Senators" facebook chat group bu no other
Senators answered the facebook conference phone call.
* * *
7. Final Analysis by Chairperson Ogle on Improving the Senate Chamber Conference Calls
The most successful call, the 3rd call on the 21st, started with clear audio and continued
for almost ten minutes.
It appeared that when someone was called and invited video chat (not only audio, but video and audio), the call then shut
down and a loud "schweeching" noise was reported by Co-Chairperson Rogers,
and the call-initiator Ogle lost the call.
When Senator/Chairperson Ogle tried to call out again, only a few Senators
answered and conversation continued with those present.
The final analysis is, "DO NOT USE VIDEO SHARE", on the calls,
until more tests are completed.
Tests need to be continued between individual Senators who
have time, so preparation for the Senate Chamber Conference
can be more successful.
* * *
Senator Chamber Navigation
Senator Contact Information
Senate Chamber History
Senate Chamber History in 2018
Senate Chamber History in 2017
Senate Chamber History in 2016
Senate Chamber History in 2015
Senate Chamber History in 2014
Senator Sign Up
Votes for Speaker and Co-Speaker of Senate Chamber by Ten Executives
Eballot #69
Marked Eballots #69
* * *
Navigation to the Earth's Twelve Population-Balanced Provinces (Est. 2016)
1. China #1
2. China #2
3. India #1
4. India #2
5. Africa #1
6. Africa #2
7. America #1
8. America #2
9. EurAsia and Middle East
10. Russia
11. Europe
12. Asia Pacific
Individual "Republic of Earth Parliaments" Grouped by Continent (Est. 2013)
* * *