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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

The United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)

Unity Platform International
1/1/2019 to 12/31/2019
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Unity Platform Totals - Eballot #13 2019

One voter, so all items approved

1 Opposite gender #1 and consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter with voluntary opt-in
2 Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
3 Immediate Labelling of All Foods
4 Ranked Choice Votes (RCV) with Multi-seat Districts
5 Shut down all coastal nuclear power plants because of the threat of rapid sea level rise.
6 Term Limits
7 Dignity among Dissenters/Communication without personal attacks
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Totals Direct Democracy (DD) Eballot #13 2018

Fifteen voters, so eight or more tics, approves each item.

4,1,2,1,7,5,4,6 Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) (8 tics, sum 30)
1,3,10,4,4,4,1,2 Term Limits (8 tics, sum 19)
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Not Approved
4,8,6,6,6,6,4 Immediate Labelling of All Foods (7 tics, sum 40)
5,5,7,6,7,7 Restore Glass-Steagal Act (6 tics, sum 37)
5,4,3,1,7,4 Proportional Representation (6 tics, sum 24)
6,1,1,1,5 Election Law (5 tics, sum 14)
3,3,2,6,2 Ratify Equal Rights Amendment and Article the First, Bill of Rights 1789 (5 tics, sum 16)
2,5,1,9,2 Shut down all coastal nuclear power plants because of the threat of rapid sea level rise. (5 tics, sum 19)
3,9,4,3,5 Recycling (5 tics, sum 23)
1,4,2,1 All our tax dollars worldwide should be used only for employing people restoring our earth and inhabitants, stop global warming and the need for war. (4 tics, sum 8)
2,2,2,6 Voting Systems (4 tics, sum 12)
3,8,5,3 Ranked Choice Votes (RCV) with Multi-seat Districts (4 tics, sum 19)
3,3,3 Corporate Law (3 tics, sum 9)

top 13 to here
2,7,2 Audit Federal Reserve (3 tics, sum 11)
5,5,5 Federal Reserve (3 tics, sum 15)
7 Venus Project (Resource-based Economy)
1 Single-payer
1 Affordable housing
1 Dignity among Dissenters/Communication without personal attacks
1 Simultaneously pay down the USA deficit while spending is limited to within
the budget after the resolutions for paying the deficit have been attained.
3 Equal Pay for Equal Work
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Navigation for United Coalition Candidates (UCC)

United Coalition of Candidates
Blank Eballot #3
Marked Eballots #3

Unity Platform International
Blank Eballot #13
Marked Eballots #13

Election of Precedents and Guidelines
Blank Eballot #62
Marked Eballot #62

History of Candidates

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