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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Marked Eballot #125 Totals - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty International Diplomatic Relations Ministry Directors

1,2,5 HRH Hester Van Der Walt [Conservative] (3 tics, sum 8)
2,4,6 Rabindranath Mishra [Free Speech Word] (3 tics, sum 12)
3,1,8 Hamdi Al-Farouki [NWP] (3 tics, sum 13)
5,3,4 Carlos Santos Saavedra Bravo [Info. Not Avail.] (3 tics, sum 12)
6,6,3 Alain Elie Atallah [Info. Not Avail.] (3 tics, sum 15)
4,7,5 RobertLon [Info. Not Avail.] (3 tics, sum 16)
1 Dr. Midhunraj O. [His Excellency]
1 Oyaifo AbdulGhani [Info. Not Avail.]
1 Dr. Narayan Debnath [Advocate and Social Worker]
1 Jose Carlos Pereira [INSTITUTO EDUCANDO PARA A PAZ] (Disqualified on 3/18/2018, Already in Global Happiness and Love Ministry)
1 Bishop Dr. Godwin Osung [Info. Not Avail.]
1 Mukund Purohit [Republican] (Disqualified 1/23/2019, elected as Poverty and Alleviation Minister)
1 Dr. Arnab Kumar Maiti [Republican]
1 PoppommWem [Info. Not Avail.]
1 Hayder F Hussein [NWP]
2 M'Barek Afekouh [Socialist]
9 Allen McKinney [Peace on Earth] (Disqualified 3/18/2018, already in World Peace Ministry)
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Navigation for International Diplomatic Relations Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

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Marked Eballots #125

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Policy Guidelines
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