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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Marked Eballots #24 - Elects Vote Counting Ministry Guidelines

James Ogle's marked eballot on 10/26/2015:
1 Only the top three names are given the user name and password to the site www.usparliament.org and the additional names serve as back-ups.
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Navigation for Vote Counting Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Director Elections
Blank Eballot #19
Marked Eballot #19
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Vote Counting Ministry Resolutions
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Vote Counting Ministry Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #24 for Voting on Ministry's Policy Guidelines
Marked Eballots #24 and Totals Cast for Policy Guidelines

Blank Eballot # for Voting on Vote Counting Ministry's Administrators
Marked Eballots and Totals Cast for Administrators
Nominees for Administrators Who Have Accepted
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Now accepting nominations.
Click here to Contact Us and Nominate.

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