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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Vote Counting Ministry
Vote Counting Minister James Ogle [One]
Deputy Vote Counting Minister Parvati Jangid [Chairperson at Youth Parliament of India]
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Twelve Worldwide Population-Balanced Provincial Parliaments
Ministry Members; please click the link above link to view monthly Provincial cycles.
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Contact the Vote Counting Minister James Ogle [One]
Email: jamesoogle "at" allpartysystem "dot" com
Vote Counting Ministry "Directors Only" Facebook Page
Vote Counting Ministry "International Parliament Group 8" Facebook Page
Vote Counting Ministry Home Page: http://www.international-parliament.org/v-c.html
UCC-All-New-Members-Help-Sign-up Facebook Page (Join Here to Get Help/Info. Via Facebook)
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Director Jenni Woodward [Gandhian Green]
Director Ian Luckett [Respublica of Earth]
Director HE (AMB) Ossai Kingsley Chimdi [Peoples Democratic]
Director Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
Director Stephen Adamczyk [Green]
Director Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]
Director Alan Reynolds [Whig]
Director Charlie Grapski [Unaffiliated]
Director Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
Director Lordbraiit Edet [Info. Not Avail.] ,

Director Johnnygal [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Richard Green [North American Union]
Director Thomaszerty [Info. Not Avail.]
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International Parliament Eballots

Eballot #1 - Elects One Set of International Parliament Guidelines
Eballot #2 - Elects up to 500 Members of Parliament (MIPs)
Eballot #3 - Elects the Ten Executives
Eballot #4 - Elects the Executives' Agenda
Eballot #4-a - Elects the Executives' "Declaration" Agenda
Eballot #5 - Elects Treasury Ministry Guidelines
Eballot #6 - Elects Treasury Ministry Directors
Eballot #7 - Elects Social Economy and Risk Management Ministry Directors
Eballot #8 - Elects Happiness and Love Ministry Directors
Eballot #9 - Elects Children of the Future International Ministry Directors
Eballot #10 - Elects Treasury Ministry's Administrators
Eballot #11 - Elects Human Rights Ministry Administrators
Eballot #12 - Elects Indigenous Affairs Ministry Guidelines
Eballot #13 - Elects International Parliament's Direct Democracy Decisions
Eballot #14 - Elects Cultural and Humanity Ministry Directors
Eballot #15 - Elects Inter-civilization Relations Directors
Eballot #16 - Elects International Sport Ministry Directors
Eballot #17 - Elects International Diplomacy for Youth Ministry Directors
Eballot #18 - Elects International Peace and Harmony Ministry Directors
Eballot #19 - Elects Vote Counting Ministry Directors
Eballot #20 - Elects Martial Arts, Police and External Security Directors
Eballot #21 - Elects World Student Ministry Directors
Eballot #22 - Elects International Peace Affairs Ministry Directors
Eballot #23 - Elects Martial Arts, Police and External Security Ministry Policy Guidelines
Eballot #24 - Elects Guidelines for Vote Counting Ministry
Eballot #25 - Elects Directors for the World Peace and Respect for the Future Ministry
Eballot #26 - Elects Directors to Indigenous Affairs Ministry
Eballot #27 - Elects Directors to International Affairs and Politics Ministry
Eballot #28 - Elects Administrators of the World Peace and Respect for the Future Ministry
Eballot #29
Eballot #30 - Elects Executive Directors
Eballot #31 - Elects Voluntary Law Ministry Directors
Eballot #32 - Elects Global Entrepreneurs Development Ministry Directors
Eballot #33 - Elects Secretary of Commerce Ministry Directors
Eballot #34 - Elects Earth Federation Ministry Directors
Eballot #35 - Elects Health and Human Services Ministry
Eballot #36 - Elects Earth Federation Ministry Administrators
Eballot #37 - Elects Environement Ministry Directors
Eballot #38 - Elects International Media Communication Directors
Eballot #39 - Elects Good Global Governance Ministry Directors
Eballot #40 - Elects Global Governance For A New Economic System Ministry Directors
Eballot #41 - Elects Sports and Culture Ministry Directors
Eballot #42 - Elects World Peace Ministry Directors
Eballot #43 - Elects
Eballot #44 - Elects
Eballot #45 - Elects Foreign Affairs Ministry Directors
Eballot #46
Eballot #47 - Elects Health and Human Services Ministry Guidelines
Eballot #48 - Elects
Eballot #49 - Elects
Eballot #50 - Elects Standard Internal Guidelines for Ministries
Eballot #51 - Elects International Affairs and Politics Ministry Directors
Eballot #52 - Elects Peace and Development Directors
Eballot #53 - Elects Peace and Progress Directors
Eballot #54 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Law and Education Ministry
Eballot #55 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Trading Ministry
Eballot #56 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Tourism Ministry
Eballot #57 - Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Higher Education Ministry
Eballot #58 - Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Youth Ministry
Eballot #59 - Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Education Ministry
Eballot #60 - Elects Republic of Earth, India Parliament MPs
Eballot #61 - Elects
Eballot #62 - Elects Guidelines for United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)
Eballot #63 - (Former) Simultaneously Elects United Coalition Candidates (UCC)
Eballot #64 - Elects USA Parliament Guidelines
Eballot #65 - Elects Administrators in Education Ministry
Eballot #66 - Elects Linked Senators in Education Ministry
Eballot #67 - Elects Up to Fifty Directors in Justice and Culture Ministry
Eballot #68 - Elects
Eballot #69 - Elects
Eballot #70 - Elects
Eballot #71 - Elects
Eballot #72 - Elects
Eballot #73 - Elects
Eballot #74 - Elects
Eballot #75 - Elects
Eballot #76 - Elects
Eballot #77 - Elects
Eballot #78 - Elects
Eballot #79 - Elects
Eballot #80 - Elects
Eballot #81 - Elects
Eballot #82 - Elects
Eballot #83 - Elects
Eballot #84 - Elects
Eballot #85 - Elects
Eballot #86 - Elects
Eballot #87 - Elects
Eballot #88 - Elects
Eballot #89 - Elects
Eballot #90 - Elects
Eballot #91 - Elects
Eballot #92 - Elects
Eballot #93 - Elects
Eballot #94 - Elects
Eballot #95 - Elects
Eballot #96 - Elects Global Sport Power Rankings
Eballot #97 - Elects Global Sport Power Rankings (Individual Athletes)
Eballot #98 - Elects Global Sport Power Rankings (Structural Items)
Eballot #99 - Elects
Eballot #100 - Elects
Eballot #101 - Elects
Eballot #102 - Elects
Eballot #103 - Elects
Eballot #104 - Elects
Eballot #105 - Elects
Eballot #106 - Elects
Eballot #107 - Elects
Eballot #108 - Elects
Eballot #109 - Elects
Eballot #110 - Elects
Eballot #111 - Elects
Eballot #112 - Elects
Eballot #113 - Elects
Eballot #114 - Elects
Eballot #115 - Elects
Eballot #116 - Elects
Eballot #117 - Elects
Eballot #118 - Elects
Eballot #119 - Elects
Eballot #120 - Elects
Eballot #121 - Elects
Eballot #122 - Elects
Eballot #123 - Elects
Eballot #124 - Elects
Eballot #125 - Elects
Eballot #126 - Elects
Eballot #127 - Elects
Eballot #128 - Elects
Eballot #129 - Elects
Eballot #130 - Elects
Eballot #131 - Elects
Eballot #132 - Elects
Eballot #133 - Elects
Eballot #134 - Elects
Eballot #135 - Elects
Eballot #136 - Elects
Eballot #137 - Elects Poverty and Alleviation Ministry Directors
Eballot #138 - Elects
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All Party System Co., International Bureau (APS-IB) Eballot Records

e-aps-1 - Elects California Super-state Parliament (ss11) Guidelines
e-aps-2 - Elects USA Parliament Rules
e-aps-3 - Elects Unity Platform California
e-aps-4 - Elects One Party Executives
e-aps-5 - Elects One Party Dues Payer BoDs
e-aps-6 - Elects United Platform USA
e-aps-7 - Elects One Party Guidelines
e-aps-8 - Elects Libertarian Party Guidelines
e-aps-9 - Elects Green Party Guidelines
e-aps-10 - Elects APS-IB Investor BoDs

e-aps-11 - Elects APS-IB Executive CEO
e-aps-12 - Elects APS Worker BoDs
e-aps-13 - Elects (To Be Announced)
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Majority and Minority Coalition in International Parliament
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Navigation to the Earth's Twelve Population-Balanced Provinces (Est. 2016)

1. China #1
2. China #2
3. India #1
4. India #2
5. Africa #1
6. Africa #2
7. America #1
8. America #2
9. EurAsia and Middle East
10. Russia
11. Europe
12. Asia Pacific
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Individual "Republic of Earth Parliaments" Grouped by Continent (Est. 2013)
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Navigation for Vote Counting Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #19
Marked Eballot #19

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #24
Marked Eballots #24

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

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