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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Eballot #59 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Education Ministry

Eballot #59 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Education Ministry


Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed to unitedcoalition at international-parliament org, mark your choices in blank "___" space, and send the email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org.

Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only. Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2 beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice, and so on. Consecutive numbers beginning with the #1 only. You may rank as many choices as you please.

Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.

<----Begin eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->

Please complete all requests (*=required fields):
*Your Name ______________________________ (write in)
Political Party ______________________________ (write in)
Your country ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
*Ministry to Which Your Vote Applies ______________________________ (write in)
* * *

Eballot #59 - Simultaneously Elects Up to Fifty Directors to Education Ministry

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ Hunter Crow [Citizens Freem]

___ Matheus Bintoro [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Senator Count Dr. Prof. Eugenio Magnarin di Castronuovo [Democratic]

___ Senator Jennifer Naidu [Volunteer for Women Empowerment and Education]

___ Gan Veronica [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Daniel Penisten [Info. Not Avail.]

___ James Ogle [Republican]

___ Joan Belle Nemeth [Info. Not Avail.]

___ "BJ" Jordon [Dallas Cowboys]

___ Jim Doyle [Republican]

___ Michel Faly [RHDP]

___ Ralph Hoffman [Republican]

___ Christopher Ho [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Darrin Hocker [Republican]

___ A. Garcia [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Mr Seyed Ahamed Rafeel [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Hoofgast [hoofgast]

___ Linda Good Mcgilles [Earth Federation]

___ Phillip Vella [Earth Federation]

___ Dr. Datu Sheikh Mohammad Saleem [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Andrew von Berg [SRI/Jovian Society]

___ Emanuel Seretan [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Gohar Nawaz [Advocate]

___ Mostafa Salah [NWP]

___ Hari Chandra Pandit [Democratic]

___ Mahmoud Negm [Democratic]

___ Santosh Lohar [Independent]

___ AbdelKader Boubekeur [Independent]

___ Shahzad Akhtar [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Adel Alwarfali [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Holly Oliver [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Dr Sunny Kaur [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Saja Aqelous [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Zeljko Mandic [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Felix Gonzales Lara [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Agostinho Antonio FONA [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Daniel Fernandez [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Niranjan C. Bhat [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Ojeyinde Olatunde Gblolahan [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Kristina McGinus [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Dainse H. [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Aep Kurnia Putra [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Yudi V. Peace [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Sarwono Wirya Weucana [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Ai Laitsa Baraja [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Rudiyanto Diky [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Neneng Sriwahyuni [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Eni Candrawati [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Damian Anderson [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Toma Mosiota [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Choukri Assimi [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Osama Ahmed Aklan [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Giuseppe Di Pace [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Don Britton [Info. Not Avail.]

___ Agil Manino [Info. Not Avail.]
* * *

Navigation for Education Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #59
Marked Eballots #59
Eballot #59 Totals

Agenda Items
Blank Eballot #68
Marked Eballots #68
Eballots #68 Totals

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #79
Marked Eballots #79
Eballot #79 Totals

Blank Eballot #65
Marked Eballots #65
Nominees for Administrators Who Have Accepted
Eballots #65 Totals

Linked Senators
Blank Eballot #66
Marked Eballots #66
Eballot #66 Totals

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