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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Marked Eballots #50 - Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for International Parliament Ministries

Marked Eballots #50 - Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for International Parliament Ministries

Eballot Totals - Guidelines Elected

Internal guideline Items by Administrator Gan Veronica [Info. Not Avail.] on 11/25/2016:
1] Director only FB Pages .... to receive suggestions from Directors .....
2] Members may choose to POST relevant educational topics....
3] May support free speech....but should not be unrelated to educational issues....
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Internal guideline items by Vice President James Ogle on 3/30/2017:
1. Education Ministry to Call for Directors to Ministry and complete the set of 50 Directors (currently at 33 Directors, seventeen open Director seats).
2. Call for more Senators in order to entice competition by Senators for the ten "Linked Senators" in Education Ministry:
3. Establishment of volunteer vote counters for Education Ministry to possibly be coordinated with Vote Counting Ministry:
4. Connections of schedule and activity in Education Ministry between the election of Los Angeles city council which concludes on March 7th, 2017 and which Los Angeles election includes the International Parliament's "United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)":
5. Establishment of Education Ministry sub-committees who can go to the next highest ranked Ministry in the Cabinet and help establish similar goals in additional Ministries.
6. New guidelines for these actions in Education Ministry will be established to help all sixty Cabinet Ministries, and the new guidelines will be added to the proposed guidelines of the International Parliament under guideline item #65 and #66:
7. Elect roles for fundraising committee coordinator either within the Education Ministry or within the United Coalition of Candidates.

8. Agenda items, resolutions and other decisision items and names can readily be synchronized between two Ministries which have common interests.

The Higher Education Ministry and the Education Ministry are good examples of two Ministries that can coordinate both names and decision-items simultaneously within the two Ministries.

The Education Ministry will therefore try to create a committee of three, consisting of the Higher Education Minister, Deputy Higher Higher Education Minister and Education Minister, which will try approve executive decisions simultaneously in both Ministries; both the Higher Education and Education Ministries.
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Subject: Education Ministry Internal guideline guidelines Eballot
Date: 2017-02-01 12:00
From: hunter crow
To: "unitedcoalition@usparliament.org"
Education ministry Policy Rules

#1 Remember that this is the closed official forum for those interested in participating in the formation of international parliament as a organization for advancing pure proportional representation and Teambuilding. Discussion is fine, but it needs to further that end.
#2 Don't be a jerk. Always try to conduct yourself professionally. Refrain from using loaded terminology - "SJW", "Feminazi", any version of "retard," etc.
#3 No personal attacks, name-calling.
#4 Do not block moderators, admins, or Education Ministry or IP officials.
#5 Racism, sexism, or bigotry of any sort won't be tolerated, but remember to give people the benefit of the doubt.
#6 Did they mean to say something bigoted? Don't block people just for disagreeing with you. Report violating posts to admin rather than Facebook.
#7 No spamming (memes without comment, repetitive posting, a lot of comments in a row before others can respond)
#8 Don't act like a jerk. Just behave in a civilized manner.

Posting Criteria rules
Some basic guidelines on how to not have your post removed.
#9 Make sure you provide a discussion synopsis with any OP. Memes that aren't discussion topics go to the other group.
#10 Use your judgement in making it topical to the platform and in tune with the mission of the international parliament.

Advice and Guidelines recommendations
#11 These aren't hard and fast rules, but they will help ensure you don't jump the shark. When refuting an argument, ensure that you refute the "ironman" version, or the strongest possible version of the argument. It'll strengthen your position. Give your discussion partner the best benefit of the doubt.
#12 Be respectful, even in disagreement. It's how we learn and grow. Actually consider alternate ideas. If you can't do that, then we can't reason with one another.
#13 When someone comes up with an idea that's been debunked a million times, that is STILL the time to be respectful. Agree on a standard of evidence.
#14 If you can't agree on the validity of a source, it'll be difficult to move the conversation forward If your stance is widely discredited or one considered "fringe," expect pushback. You'll be asked for a far greater level of evidence, and for good reason. Not everyone is "Galileo."
#15 Don't make claims if you aren't willing to provide citations when requested, and please don't be surprised if someone asks you to provide evidence.
#16 please Avoid piling onto someone. Ask yourself - has my point been made already? Am I saying something that has already been said? Would the person I am speaking to welcome another person saying what I plan to say
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Navigation for Education Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #59
Marked Eballots #59
Eballot #59 Totals

Agenda Items
Blank Eballot #68
Marked Eballots #68
Eballots #68 Totals

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #79
Marked Eballots #79
Eballot #79 Totals

Blank Eballot #65
Marked Eballots #65
Nominees for Administrators Who Have Accepted
Eballots #65 Totals

Linked Senators
Blank Eballot #66
Marked Eballots #66
Eballot #66 Totals

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