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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

The United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)

Eballot #63 - Simultaneously Elects United Coalition Candidates (UCC)

<----Begin eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->

Please complete all requests (*=required fields):
*Your Name ______________________________ (write in)
Political Party ______________________________ (write in)
Your country ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
*Contact Method ______________________________ (write in)
* * *

Directions to All Voters

Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed
to vvc at allpartysystem dot com, mark your choices in blank "___" space,
and reply to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org.

Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.

Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2
beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice,
and so on. Consecutive numbers beginning with the #1 only.

You may rank as many choices as you please.

Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

___ _________________________________________ (write in new name)

Candidate for California State Assembly, USA (November 2018)

___ Mark Herd [Libertarian] (CA AD 26)

___ Baron Bruno [Independent] (CA AD 26)

___ Alan Reynolds [Whig/Reform/Justice] (CA AD 41)

Candidates for Governor of California, USA (November 2018):

___ NicKolas Wildstar [Libertarian]

Candidate for Lt. Governor of California, USA (November 2018):

___ Gail McLaughlin [Independent]

___ Tim Ferreira [Libertarian]

Candidates for Secretary of State of California, USA (November 2018):

___ CT Weber [Peace and Freedom]

___ Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian]

Candidates for President of the USA (November 2020):

___ Donald Trump [Republican]

___ Adam Koresh [Libertarian]

Candidate for Vice President of the USA (November 2020):

___ BJ Jordan [Dallas Cowboys]

Candidate for US Congress USA (November 2020):
Louisiana CD 3
___ Verone Thomas [Noble People of Conscious]
California CD 2
___ Andy Caffrey [Ecotopian Democratic]
California CD 36
___ Doug Hassett [Republican]

US Senate
___ Don J. Grundmann's [Constitution] (2018)

Candidate for Chairman of National Patriot Party of Ghana, Africa (2018)
___Alhaji Abubakari Abdul Rahaman [NPP]

Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada (October 21st, 2019):
___ Raphael Louis [NCPC] for Prime Minister of Canada

Candidate for Mendocino County Board Of Supervisors, California, USA (November 2018):
___ Pamela Elizondo [Green]
* * *

<----End of eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org---->

___ Subscriber dues-payer cost is $10./year or 200 aluminum cans.
Check above, bring the 200 cans or mail $10. to:
All Party System Co.
1213 C Forect Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
(831) 224-5786

* * *

Navigation for United Coalition Candidates (UCC)

Election of Candidates
Blank Eballot #3
Marked Eballots #3

Direct Democracy (DD) Election
Blank Eballot #13
Marked Eballots #13

Election of Precedents and Guidelines
Blank Eballot #62
Marked Eballot #62

History of Candidates

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