Marked Eballots #50 - Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for Crimes Against Humanity / Law Enforcement Ministry
On 3/1/2016 James Ogle voted as follows:
_1__ FULL MINISTER RESPONSIBILITIES: All questions about Director sign up,
voting, adding and subtracting Directors' names to the facebook chat will be
the responsibility of the full Minister.
__2_ VOTES CAST AND KEPT AS PROOF: All marked eballots will be copies in two
places; once in the "Files" section of the facebook page and second on the Ministry's home page on the site
__3_ After 50 Directors are elected, a NEW facebook page shall be created which
may be public or closed, but only elected Directors will be approved for facebook page membership.
__4_ As new names are elected causing Directors to be unelected and replaced,
then the newly elected Directors will be added to the new facebook page and the
unelected Directors deleted from the new facebook page.
_5__ The facebook page will feature the "send message" and until the facebook
company is fully understood why this feature is sometimes terminated, everything
will be done to make sure all 50 Directors can be messaged under this feature.
_6__ Director elections are to be placed on hold until ten new nominees provide
ID to Minister and a paper or digital copy is on file and shared with Vote Counting Minister.
_7__ Full Minister must designate a top-ranked Administrator to oversee data protection.
_8__ Level Three Senators are the only members of the International Parliament
who can vote for the Directors in the Ministry's Director elections under this guideline
item once this guideline item is elected within the Ministry where the Director elections
are to take place.
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Navigation for Crimes Against Humanity / Law Enforcement Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet
Director Elections
Blank Eballot #48
Marked Eballots #48
Totals Eballots #48
Nominate and See the Nominees Who Accepted
Ministry Resolutions
Blank Eballot for Voting on Policy Resolutions
Marked Eballots Cast for Resolutions
Totals/Results of All Marked Eballots Cast for Resolutions
Ministry Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #50 for Voting on Ministry's Policy Guidelines
Marked Eballots #50 and Totals Cast for Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot # for Voting on Ministry's Administrators
Marked Eballots and Totals Cast for Administrators
Nominees for Administrators Who Have Accepted
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