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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Nominations for Eballot #75 for Higher Education Ministry Administrators

Nominees for Administrators
(9/26/2019) John Henry [An Enabling Environment for Co-existence] - henryoejohn@gmail.com
(9/25/2019) Mohammad Sameer Hasan [Info. Not Avail.] - hasansam13@gmail.com
Prof. Arup Barman(Assam) [Free Speech World] - abgeet@gmail.com
Jeevithan Ganasan [Social Activist (not in any political party)] - ganasanjeevithan@gmail.com
Anowar Zahid [Info. Not Avail.] - anowarzahid166@gmail.com
Hunter Crow [Citizens Freedom] - hunterwaynecrow@outlook.com
James Ogle [Republican] - jamesoogle@allpartysystem.com
Dr. Syed S. Islam [Info. Not Avail.] - syedsikander255@gmail.com
Dr. Warisai Mohamed Mahusook PhD [Global Peace] - mahusookwm@gmail.com, info@europeancampus.edu.lk
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Navigation for Higher Education Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #57
Marked Eballots #57
Eballot Totals #57
Nominees for Eballot #57

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Eballot # Totals

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #50
Marked Eballots #50
Eballot #50 Totals

Blank Eballot #75
Marked Eballots #75
Eballot #75 Totals
Nominees for Eballot #75

Blank Eballot #72
Marked Eballots #72
Eballot #72 Totals
Nominees for Eballot #72

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