1,2 Basketball (2 tics, sum 3) tied with 2,1 Volleyball (2 tics, sum 3)
5,2 American Football (2 tics, sum 7)
7,1 Wrestling (2 tics, sum 8)
3 baseball
4 soccer/futbol
6 tennis
* * *
2017-06-12 13:10
From: Jeff Drobman __1_ Basketball
__2_ Volleyball
__3_ _______baseball
__4_ ___________soccer/futbol
__5_ American Football
__6_ ___________tennis
__7_ Wrestling
* * *
<----End eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition "at"
international-parliament "dot" org---->
Marked by Foster Smith on 6/11/2017 as follows:
1 Wrestling
2 American Football
Marked by James Ogle on 6/5/2017 as follows:
1 Volleyball
2 Basketball
* * *