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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Marked Eballots #96 Totals for Global Sport Power Rankings

1,2 Basketball (2 tics, sum 3) tied with 2,1 Volleyball (2 tics, sum 3)
5,2 American Football (2 tics, sum 7)
7,1 Wrestling (2 tics, sum 8)
3 baseball
4 soccer/futbol
6 tennis
* * *

Marked Eballots #96 for Global Sport Power Rankings

2017-06-12 13:10
From: Jeff Drobman
__1_ Basketball
__2_ Volleyball
__3_ _______baseball
__4_ ___________soccer/futbol
__5_ American Football
__6_ ___________tennis
__7_ Wrestling
* * * <----End eballot, cut here and email to unitedcoalition "at" international-parliament "dot" org---->

Marked by Foster Smith on 6/11/2017 as follows:
1 Wrestling
2 American Football

Marked by James Ogle on 6/5/2017 as follows:
1 Volleyball
2 Basketball
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Navigation for Vote Counting Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Global Sport Power Rankings
Blank Eballot #96
Marked Eballots #96

Global Sport Power Rankings (Individual Athletes)
Blank Eballot #97
Marked Eballots #97

Global Sport Power Rankings (Structural Items)
Blank Eballot #98
Marked Eballots #97

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