Eballot #41 - Elects Sports and Culture Ministry Directors
James Ogle's vote for Directors of Sports and Culture Ministry on 6/3/2017 via facebook as follows:
1 Kamal al-Husseini [Independent]
2 Karl Hunt [Info. Not Avail.] ,
3 Peter Voerde [Independent]
4 Md. Shafiul Haque [Info. Not Avail.] ,
5 Eman Atta [Independent]
6 Subroto Kumar Sarker [Info. Not Avail.] ,
7 Karl Voerde [Independent]
8 Dr. Shahzad Hussain [NWP] ,
9 Abdul-Rahman Abu Samed [Independent]
10 David Bolenge Chandlers Jr. [Info. Not Avail.] ,
11 Uschi Angun [Independent]
12 Ambassador Mohamed Kouta [Info. Not Avail.] ,
13 Jawdat Abu Aoun [Independent]
14 Anil Goenka [Info. Not Avail.] ,
15 Uschi Lange [Independent]
16 Lee Phillip Cato [Global Peace] , (Declined on 9/17/2017, sent to Earth Federation Ministry)
17 Hassan Shehadeh [Independent]
18 RichardGhval [RichardGhval] ,
19 Pia Schmitt [Independent]
20 Tapas Paul [Info. Not Avail.] ,
21 Tariq Jabara [Independent]
22 Harry Werner [Independent]
23 Tarek Abu Zeid [Independent]
24 John Krause [Independent]
25 Bushra Alhoni [Independent]
26 Patick Meier [Independent]
27 Moulay Hvit [Independent]
28 Hans Lehmann [Independent]
29 Wasem Ahmed [Independent]
30 Anja Schmid [Independent]
31 Ali Damen [Independent]
32 Nina Schulze [Independent]
33 Mohammed Abdul Rahman [Independent]
34 Ahmed Hussein [Independent]
35 Musab al-Ahmed [Independent]
36 Hossam Issa [Independent]
37 Basma Fathi [Independent]
38 Jasbir Singh [Martial Arts Ministry] (Disqualified, already full Minister Sports and Culture)
39 Tami Jade [Independent] , (Disqualified, already full Minister Youth of Future)
40 Dr. Fathi Siad [Independent] (Disqualified, already Director Media Communication Ministry)
41 Maria Rubio [Partido Popular Mundial] , (Disqualified, already Peace and Development Ministry)
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Navigation for Sports and Culture Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet
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Marked Eballots #41
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