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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Marked Eballots #70 for Human Rights Ministry Senators

Marked Eballot Totals (5/30/2019)

3,1 IP Senator James Ogle [One] (2 tics, sum 4) elected 1/13/2019
1 IP Senator Ghadeer Ali Abdullah Hamood [Humanity and Justice] elected 5/30/2019
2 IP Senator Haitham Durbie [Humanity] elected 1/13/2019

Not Elected:
2__ Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
3__ Senator Pamela Elizondo [Green] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
4__ Senator Oroba Raheem Yakoob [Women's Rights and Justice] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
5_ Senator May Khalil Mourad [PHD Journalism and Press Media] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
6__ Senator Michel Tia [NWP] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
7__ Senator Kwan Tera [One] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
8_ Senator James LeSage [Humanitarian] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
9__ Senator Dr. Anthony Fernandes [Republican] (Disqualified, no longer IP Senator)
10__ Senator Ivon Ramzi [Info. Not Avail.] (Disqualified, already in International Humanitarian, Peace and Prosperity Ministry)
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Marked Eballots (5/30/2019)

Marked Eballot by James Ogle on 5/30/2019
1 IP Senator Ghadeer Ali Abdullah Hamood [Humanity and Justice]
2 IP Senator Haitham Durbie
3 IP Senator James Ogle [Republican]
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Subject: From Senator Haitham Durbie, Eballot#70
Date: 2017-03-09 03:07
From: "Dr. Haitham"
To: "unitedcoalition@international-parliament.org"
_1__ Senator James Ogle [Republican]
_2__ Senator Ali Akil Khalil [Human Rights]
_3__ Senator Pamela Elizondo [Green]
_4__ Senator Oroba Raheem Yakoob [Women's Rights and Justice]
_5_ Senator May Khalil Mourad [PHD Journalism and Press Media]
_6__ Senator Michel Tia [NWP]
_7__ Senator Kwan Tera [One]
__8_ Senator James LeSage [Humanitarian]
_9__ Senator Dr. Anthony Fernandes [Republican]
_10__ Senator Ivon Ramzi [Info. Not Avail.]
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Navigation for Human Rights Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #11
Marked Eballots #11
Eballot #11 Totals
Nominations for Eballot #11

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Eballot # Totals

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #50
Marked Eballots #50
Eballot #50 Totals

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Eballot # Totals
Nominees for Eballot #

Blank Eballot #70
Marked Eballots #70
Eballot #70 Totals
Nominees for Eballot #70

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